31,000 BC - Rock Paintings, the earliest painted images still extant discovered
in the Chauvet and Cosquer caves in France.

15,000 BC - Fresco wall murals is the cave paintings found at Lascaux in
southwestern France.

3,000 BC - Egyptian
pyramids decorated with painting, above is the wall painting of Queen Nefertari.
1,500 BC - Minoan
Dolphin Fresco at the "Queen's Megaron" at Knossos,
400 BC - Greek
artists Zeuxis and Parrhasios. Zeuxis paints a still life
of grapes. The quality of this painting is attested to by the
fact that some birds descend upon the painting and try to peck
at it. Nothing is said as to whether this representation gives
the visual illusion of grapes. Nevertheless, after the birds peck
at his painting, Zeuxis quickly turns to Parrhasios, believing
that victory is his, a fait accompli, and asks Parrhasios to unveil
his painting. Parrhasios' painting is a painting of a veil. Again,
no mention is made of the illusionistic quality of the painting.
Rather, Parrhasios wins because his painting fools the eye of
an artist, whereas Zeuxis' painting merely fools the eye of an

BC - Fresco
murals from Pompeii. These artists were some of the first
to employ the use of trompe l'oeil perspective in their paintings.

495 AD - fresco
painted on Sigiriya Rock, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka.

AD - Teotihuacan fresco of priest planting seeds as a ritual
of fertility.

AD - Kerala
murals of Tamil Nadu, India |