I used pure watercolor rendition and other technique with mix media of colored pencils and pastels. Chiaroscoru is my basic rendition technique - watercolour wash and strokes texturing, capturing color values, the depth of shades and shadows, achieving the likeness and sharpeness of details. I refer in model's photographs and transferred in watercolour papers in a tight pencil sketch before the rendition of the actual painting session.
Presentation of the artwork is important, when the finishing is done, I sprayed with a protective varnish and framing with glass is required to project the beauty of watercolor painting and to preserve the artworks from dirts and humidity.
About Watercolor:
Watercolor or watercolour, also aquarelle from French, is a painting method. A watercolor is the medium or the resulting artwork in which the paints are made of pigments suspended in a water-soluble vehicle. The traditional and most common support for watercolor paintings is paper; other supports include papyrus, bark papers, plastics, vellum or leather, fabric, wood, and canvas. Watercolors are usually transparent, and appear luminous because the pigments are laid down in a relatively pure form with few fillers obscuring the pigment colors. Watercolor can also be made opaque by adding Chinese white. In East Asia, watercolor painting with inks is referred to as brush painting or scroll painting. In Chinese, Korean, and Japanese painting it has been the dominant medium, often in monochrome black or browns. India, Ethiopia and other countries also have long traditions. Fingerpainting with watercolor paints originated in China. |