Swimming Pool Mural
Trompe-l'œil Oil Painting

Swimming pool mural painting with trompe-l'œil effect, the cement fence, flower gardens, seascape views on the horizon, decorated with trees and parrots.
The entrance to the swimming pool are two doors with shower and dressing rooms. The design is Caribbean blue sea with the horizon and the sky. Stone textures and one point perspective are used to emphasized the trompe-l'œil effect . The parrots, cockatoo, some decoration of lizard crawling on the walls is to melange and alive the scenario.
Swimming Pool:
A swimming pool, swimming bath, wading pool, or simply a pool, is a container filled with water intended for swimming or water-based recreation. There are many standard sizes; the largest and deepest is the Olympic size. A pool can be built either above or in the ground, and from materials such as metal, plastic, fiberglass or concrete.
Pools that may be used by many people or by the general public are called public, while pools used exclusively by a few people or in a home are called private. Many health clubs, fitness centers and private clubs have public pools used mostly for exercise. Many hotels and massage parlors have public pools for relaxation. Hot tubs and spas are pools with hot water, used for relaxation or therapy, and are common in homes, hotels, clubs and massage parlors. Swimming pools are also used for diving and other water sports, as well as for the training of lifeguards and astronauts.
Chemical disinfectants such as chlorine, bromine or mineral sanitizers, and additional filters are often used in swimming pools to prevent growth and spread of bacteria, viruses, algae and insect larvae. Alternatively, pools can be made without chemical disinfectants by using a biofilter with additional carbon filters and UV disinfection. In both cases, pools need to be fitted with an adequate flow rate. |