

Indian Restaurant
Mural Painting


Indian restaurant mural painting by Richard Ancheta - Montreal

This mural painting is designed for decorating the stair pathway of the entrance opf the restaurant. The wall has a rough mural texture and my client decide to put an design decoration instead of bare wall.

Indian restaurant mural painting, lady dancing by Richard Ancheta  - Montreal

The painting was designed to fit the uneven surfaces and irregular shape of the stairs. The idea motif is to adopt the Indian culture and fits the curry and naan indian cuisine.

Research of ideas and images are important, design and to create an exotic panoramic Indian views with blue skies, forest, waterfalls and added with an antique castle.Emphasizing the culture, an Indian lady dancing with its native costume is laid out and painted to enhance a rythm composition.

The main figures are the caravan of Indian kings and the two officers riding on the big black elephant decorated with golden accessories and colorful fabrics. The caravan was headed by the three guards with a colorful costume of turbans, handed with spears and fan that usher the path of promenade. The mural site and restaurant is located at Jean Talon, Montreal.


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