Carrara Marble - Beige, White and Grey |
Carrara Marble - Beige, White and Grey
Harmony and color combination is the secret of interior decoration. Here are the best harmony colors for the interior color matching - beige, white and grey, the carrara marble faux painting is the best choice for decorating the walls.
Carrara Marble - Beige, White and Grey - Faux Texture Painting |

Calacatta Carrara White Faux Marble |
Calacatta Carrara White Faux Marble
Faux painting of white and gray combination, foam painting and feather veining. Calacatta marble is a type of Carrara marble. It comes from the same overall region of Tuscany, Italy. Calacatta marble tends to have a white field. Usually, the whiter the field, the more expensive the marble. The feature that distinguishes Calacatta marble is its veining. |

Azul Bahia Granite Faux Finish |
Azul Bahia Granite Faux Finish
The Azul Bahia granite is also known as Blue Bahia. Granite is a type of igneous rock that is granular and phaneritic in texture and is found all over the world. The Blue Bahia granite came from Brazil and is used for countertops, flooring and backsplashes.
Faux finish on plywood in marbling technique of sponge, denatured alcohol and veinings by feather. The basecoat is dark blue, with a series of layered glazes of dark, pale and light delft blues. |

Blue Fantasy Faux Marble |
Blue Fantasy Faux Marble
Faux painting of Blue Fantasy Marble, layers of dark blue, delft blue, blue green, green earth tones, veining with feather strokes of greys, whites and gold. |

Onyx Red Faux Marble |
Onyx Red Faux Marble
Onyx red marble is the most beautiful material stones of the decorators because of its special rare beautiful organic red wine that matches greens, yellow-beige and whites-greys. The faux painting technique are in layers of shades of red wines and burgundy mixed and scrumbles by rags and finished with thin veinings and thicks milky brush strokes, finished with damar glossy varnish. This faux marbling is design for ceiling decorations. |

Alabaster Faux Finish on Acrylic |
Alabaster Faux Finish on Acrylic
Alabaster is a varieties of two distinct minerals such as gypsum and calcite, a carbonate of calcium, also known as onyx-marble, Egyptian alabaster or Oriental alabaster is a stalagmitic limestone marked with patterns of swirling bands of cream and brown.
Faux finish on acrylic in a marbling technique applied in the rear side with whites, blue grays and beige oil painting. |

Travertine Limestone Faux Finish |
Travertine Limestone Faux Finish
Travertine is a form of limestone deposited by mineral springs, especially hot springs. Travertine often has a fibrous or concentric appearance and exists in white, tan and cream-colored varieties.
The faux finish is rendered in four tones which is golden beige, light brown, light yellow ocre and light yellow. |

Giallo antico Antique Yellow Faux Marble |
Giallo antico Antique Yellow Faux Marble
Giallo antico (antique yellow) is a precious yellow marble used first by the ancient Africans and later by the ancient Romans (which they called marmor numidicum (marble of Numidia). It was one of the marbles most favoured by the Romans because of its beautiful yellow colour with white and brown veining design. |

Yellow Sienna Marble - Faux Finish Oil Painting |
Yellow Sienna Marble - Faux Finish Oil Painting
Yellow Sienna Marble marble was specialy design for bathroom, it has five layer texturing such as the orange as the base color and series yellow tones with haching of white veins and finish it with blending of highlights.
Column faux finish marbling - oil painting technique. |

Burdur Yellow Orange Marble - Faux Painting |
Burdur Yellow Orange Marble - Faux Painting
Burdur faux marbling with four shades of colors, Golden Tan-Hâle doré, Fire's Glow-Lueur du foyer, a veining of Scottsdale Brown-Brun Scottsdale and Authentic Brown-Brun authentique. |

Portoro Gold and Black Marble Faux Finish |
Portoro Gold and Black Marble - Faux Finish
Portoro black and gold mable is a calcite, sleek with erratic light brown and gold veining.
Acrylic faux finishing painting techniques start with ivory and charcoal black in "cissing" technique for the base painting and over coat with glazing of medium and dark gray with marbling technique and splatter of denatured alcohol to achieve organic texture. The veining dynamic design are in three layers with the combination of gold, brown, orange and yellow ocre, overcoat with gray veins and thin 50% white veins. |

Faux Black Marble with white and gold veins. |
Marbre Noir-blanc et or
Faux finish peinture à l'huile
Faux Black Marble with white and gold veins.
Faux Black Marble with white and gold veins - oil painting technique. |

Cipollino Green Marble Faux Finish |
Cipollino Green Marble Faux Finish
Cipollino marble is a variety of marble used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. In creating a marble faux finish, it needs 3 shades of green acrylic paints in light, medium, and dark green colors. I use a sea sponge and dip into all three colors. Dab and smear the paint over the surface until it gets the impression.
Adding the veins with brush and feather stokes with white glaze and smoothed with soft mapping brush. |

Verde Imperial Green Faux Marble |
Verde Imperial
Green Faux Marble
Green faux marble painting with two colors underlayer, veinings with charcoal grey, cross-hatching with whites and metallic golds painting using feathers and foam textures. Verde imperiale marble is a kind of green marble quarried in Italy, this marble is especially design for interior, exterior wall, floors and decorations. It also called imperiale verde marble, imperial green marble, verde imperial marble, marmi verde imperiale. |

Turquoise Granite
Stone Texture - Faux Finish
Turquoise Granite
Stone Texture - Faux Finish
Faux granite painting is best in kitchen, on countertops gives the appearance of a highly detailed and complicated faux effect.
A combination of prussian blue and turquoise color glazings with sponge pointellism faux finishing techniques. |

Gray Granite - Wall Texture - Faux Finish |
Gray Granite
Wall Texture - Faux Finish
Gray granite is stone wall texture creating a visual of solidity and neutral texture. The application of three shades such as universal gray, granite gray and grimmy's gray colors with the faux finishing techniques will create this artwork. |

Concrete - Faux Finish |
Concrete Faux Finish
Concrete is a composite building material made from the combination of aggregate and cement binder. Imitating for faux finish with impasto modelling texturising paste using palette knife techniques and the sand with brush splatter. The illussion are achieve by a combination of different layer shades of colored glazes such as light and dark grays with lighter tone on the top layers as highlights, finishing with scattered black holes highlighted with white gives an impression of realistic effect.
Model project for Concrete faux finish on ceiling. |

Faux Concrete |
Faux Concrete
Concrete decorative painting is applied to an interior decoration to add its natural rough classy texture, the atmosphere becomes sophisticated with heavy, strength and stability separating soft surfaces and simplicity of the painted walls.
Gray colors matches all colors, because it neutralized its density and saturation. Replicating concrete in faux effects is achieve with the use of woolie or sponges. A series of glazing technique and the combinations of 3 shades of grays and splatter of blacks to create its intricate textures adding tiny holes to complete its illussion. This plate sample is copied and referred to the original color matching of the column of the living room of this project.
Model project for Faux Concrete |

Beige Stone Texture - Faux Finish | Beige Stone Texture - Faux Finish
Rough stone texture, painted of 3 layers of colors of dark beige for the underground, lighter beige in the second layer and highligted with light beige. The application of second layer and the upper layer is a sheep skin stampping technique. |

Stone Wall Faux Fini Brick Design | Stone Wall Faux Fini Brick Design
The beige rough finish and semi-rough gray stuco texture, with the plaster and with the texturizing tools. After it dries, I score the gap depth of the stone blocks to define pizza shapes with imperfect cutting of the stones.
The color rendition are derive from actual wall which layered in four range of beige and the grey blocks are overlap with the three layers of beige. |

Stone Wall Faux Fini Tile Design
| Stone Wall Faux Fini Tile Design
The masonry wall tile is design with slight finer texture and polished stone effect. This artwork of roman stone
wall design are blended with three colors of dark beige from its base and a mix of hotter and pale tones. With the use of sheep fur technique, I have achieve the painting texture of the real stone wall model. Shades and shadows are important, the cast of strong highlight define each details and enhance the solidity of the wall. |

Mud Walls Faux Finish
| Mud Walls Faux Finish
A simple and easy faux finish effect, the walls are texture with dry dex filling compound with the sea-sponge, creating muddy effect and flattened with pallette knife, the color is glazed with foam of red brown mud mate acrylic. |

Stone Cave - Faux Finish |
Stone Cave - Faux Finish
This Stone cave faux finish is a sculpture and carving on styrofoam, with the use of sharp cutter and hand saw give its textures and carv the volume of the stone, sanded to remove crush pieces, heated with heatgun, textured with steelbrush and faux painted with the local earthtone colors of the stone. |

Plaster Art Wall Decor - Sculpture |
Plaster Art Wall Decor - Sculpture
Plaster Art Wall Decor - A relief sculpture made with drydex plaster, layers of embossed triangles overlapping each other. |

Bronze Oxidized with Patina- Faux Finish |
Bronze Oxidized with Patina- Faux Finish
Metallic bronze oxydized, the patina is a tarnish that forms on the surface of bronze, copper and similar metals produced by oxidation or other chemical processes. Also to stone, a sheen on wooden furniture produced by age, wear, and polishing or any such acquired change of a surface through age and exposure. |

Suede Metallic - Faux Finish
Suede Metallic
Suede color base Toffee Crunch makes the illussion of uneven tones overlapping color layers of beige, light browns and the upper layers are metallic silver mixed with gold and glazed with metallic bronze. When it was lighted the beauty sparks the elegance of the combinations of the metallics and on the the opposite is the holographic illussion of suede and its textures. |

Hammered Texture - Emerald and Metallic Gold - Faux Finish |
Hammered Texture - Emerald and Metallic Gold - Faux Finish
Each layers are series of tones of emerald greens with the glazing and sponge faux technique using acrylic gold paints.
Contemporary room design:
Room with hammered texture and harmony designs. |

Metallic Champagne Mist - Faux Finish |
Metallic Champagne Mist - Faux Finish
Decorative faux finish with beautiful natural reflective stone patterns with bronze and silver underlayers and highlighted with metallic gold.
The layers starts with a base color of alencon lace, champagne mist (70% silver and 30% gold) and glazed with the series of layers of metallics using woolie and sponges.
Interior Decoration with Metallic Champagne Mist - Faux Finish. |

Golden Brown Texture Finish |
Golden Brown Texture Finish
Golden brown texture finish with gold spots is a different strokes design for ceiling decor. This texture finish is c reated to harmonized the antique finishing of the interior decoration.
Faux painting or Faux finishing ( faux fini / finis - French ) are terms used to describe a wide range of decorative painting ( peinture décorative ) techniques. The naming comes from the French word faux, meaning false, as these techniques started as a form of replicating materials such as marble and wood with paint, but has subsequently come to encompass many other decorative finishes for walls and furniture.
Faux finishing has been used for millennia, from cave painting to Ancient Egypt, but what we generally think of as faux finishing in decorative arts began with Plaster and Stucco Finishes in Mesopotamia over 5000 years ago.
Examples of faux paintings:
Faux became hugely popular in Classical times in the forms of faux Marble, faux Wood, and Trompe l'oeil Murals. Artists would apprentice for 10 years or more with a master faux painter before working on their own. Great recognition was rewarded to artist who could actually trick viewers into believing their work was the real thing. Faux painting has continued to be popular throughout the ages, but experienced major resurgences in the neoclassical revival of the nineteenth century and the Art Deco styles of the 1920s. Throughout the recent history of decorative painting, faux finishing has been mainly used in commercial and public spaces.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s faux finishing saw another major revival, as wallpaper began to fall out of fashion. At this point, faux painting started to become extremely popular in home environments, with high end homes leading the trends. While it can be quite expensive to hire a professional faux finisher, many faux painting methods are simple enough for a beginning home owner to create with a little instruction. People are also attracted to the simplicity of changing a faux finish, as it can be easily painted over compared with the hassle of removing wallpaper.
In modern day faux finishing, there are two major materials/processes used. Glaze work involves using a translucent mixture of paint and glaze applied with a brush, roller, rag, or sponge, and often mimics textures, but it always smooth to the touch. Plaster work can be done with tinted plasters, or washed over with earth pigments, and is generally applied with a trowel or spatula. The finished result can be either flat to the touch or textured. |